Blogs are a lot like a$$holes, everyone has one and very few are worth looking at.  Is my blog worth a look?

I am a single, straight guy who likes: women (a lot), music (all the time), vodka (nights & weekends), working out (daily).  I live in New Jersey and am working through school to graduate at some point.

Whether I am at a gym or running outside, I need music.  It helps my focus and pushes me ahead.  I share music suggestions almost everyday through twitter and  You will see some posts on my blog where I recap the #sweatmix selections.  I am also glad to help people if they ask for specific suggestions.  

So why is the blog called "luvstanx"?  To be honest, I have gone through a very difficult time with love lately.  In coping with that, I made a list of "pros" and "cons":  the "luv" and the "stanx" of my life.  I am blogging about the "luv" where I find it.

I am glad to have you as a friend on this blog, on twitter or for music.
